One Tool, Many Uses: Single Edge Razor​

Single edge razors can be used for shaving, of course, but they have tons of other handy functions around the house. These multitasking tools are good to keep in the tool drawer, but remember to store them securely so the blades don’t dull and people don’t accidentally cut themselves. It’s also advisable to wipe the blade down between uses and periodically strop and oil it to keep it in good cutting condition. Dull blades increase the risk of injury in addition to not cutting as well.

How To Use a Tape Measure

We like this article by Timothy Dale, created under Bob Vila ™ “How To’s and Quick Tips.” The beginning line: “Master this simple yet crucial tool to ensure precision for your projects,” truly embodies what we are here for at Home Planet Gear. We find it very informative, concise and beautifully written for DIYers and professionals alike.

How to Recycle Cardboard

The article starts with the lines: “It’s not as simple as you might think” teasing us to being inquisitive and ready to learn more about the typical activity of cardboard recycling. Marc goes on to describe the advantages of recycling cardboard showing facts and statistics. And then moving towards the point of the write-up: to describe the proper means of recycling this material.

Tick-borne disease – prevent bites – learn to ward off diseases

As summer weather develops throughout most of North America, it’s a time when most people love to get outdoors and enjoy the sunshine, the warmth and marvel in nature coming alive. There are plenty of chores and activities that have been put off due to cold and wet weather. With warm and drier weather, the pull to get out is powerful! There is yard work, gardening, hiking and camping, biking and so much more.