Tick-borne disease – prevent bites – learn to ward off diseases

As summer weather develops throughout most of North America, it’s a time when most people love to get outdoors and enjoy the sunshine, the warmth and marvel in nature coming alive. There are plenty of chores and activities that have been put off due to cold and wet weather. With warm and drier weather, the pull to get out is powerful! There is yard work, gardening, hiking and camping, biking and so much more.

How Is a Japanese Style Pull Cut Saw Different?

There are some pretty big differences between Home Planet Gear’s EverSaw 8.0 and the traditional Western saws that most of us are more familiar with. You may not be interested in the Applied Physics behind the differences in saw types, but we think that you will be interested in how “push style saws” differ from “pull saws” with usage. There is much more to it than simply which angle the teeth are pointing.

10 Tips for Surviving the Coming Zombie Apocalypse with EverSaw 8.0

If the world as we know it were to end tomorrow, you would consider yourself lucky to own an EverSaw 8.0 by Home Planet Gear! Here’s why:

EverSaw 8.0 will stay sharp and resist wear, extending its lifespan and, hopefully, yours in an emergency, such as a zombie apocalypse. If you don’t already have an EverSaw when a zombie outbreak occurs, be on the lookout for one when searching abandoned buildings and vehicles. It may just save your life!

HOW to Prune Trees

Now that we have learned WHY we prune and the basic guidelines of WHEN we prune it is time to cut to the heart of the matter and get into HOW we prune. Depending on the plant, tree or shrub the techniques differ, in this article we will look at pruning trees.