Winter Preparation Checklist – Countdown to New Year’s

Anyone who lives in a cold weather climate knows as cold weather sets in, there are a number of things that need to be done in order to prepare the home and garden for the rough conditions ahead. We found this article about winter preparation at which gives a checklist of things to get done between now and New Year’s Eve. Thanks to the folks at Survivopedia.

Winter Preparation Checklist – Countdown to New Year’s

Anyone who lives in a cold weather climate knows as cold weather sets in, there are a number of things that need to be done in order to prepare the home and garden for the rough conditions ahead.

We found this article about winter preparation at which gives a checklist of things to get done between now and New Year’s Eve. Thanks to the folks at Survivopedia.

“As November gives way to December and the last of the warm weather fades, it’s time to make sure that all is in order in case of emergency.

“We’ve made a list to help you get ready to settle in for the cold months to come so that you’ll be ready for an emergency through the winter, and ready to start anew in the spring.

“Let’s see what our tasks are this month. Read them below, then print the calendar at the end of this article, and use it to complete these preparations one by one!

Winter Preparation Checklist

“Dec 1 – Make Sure You’ll Stay Warm

“Whatever type of fuel you use, take a few minutes today to double check your fuel supply.

“You may have central air, but since you’re a prepper, you also know the importance of having a back-up heat source and plenty of fuel. If you use propane heaters, make sure that they’re in good working order and that you have plenty of fuel.

“If you heat with wood, how much you will need depends on several factors including the size of your house, where you live, how well your home is insulated and what type of wood you use. Usually, four cords will be more than enough for an average-sized (1500 sf) house in the Northern US through the winter, but in this case, it’s better to have too much than too little.” …

Read more at this link: The Prepper’s Coundown Checklist to New Year’s Eve

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